Vinesh Raju Vinesh Raju

In the beginning.

I’ve always wanted to set up a website, a blog, and write.

Not that I had something to say online, I just wanted to blabber and share bits and pieces from time to time.

I’ve tried out a few blogging platforms before but never stuck with them. They were too formal. I wanted a place where I can be informal. Just write and publish.

I liked HEY World, but it came only with their email service which was too expensive for me. Moreover, I was happy with my current email service/client so I did not want to get a @hey account just for this.

I’ve read about Hugo sometime back. So, yesterday, I decided to set it up and start writing.

Setting this up was easier than I thought and I liked writing here better. I don’t even have to draft emails. I just have to write markdown in some editor and push to git! and I get to host it on my own domain :)